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Lay Servant Ministry Classes coming to Desert Chapel! October 18-29, 2024
Register and Pay online at:
Introduction to Lay Servant Ministries a[...]
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Chargers Pancake Breakfast
We had a great 2023/2024 year with our Pancake Breakfast. See in the Fall.
Community Feast - Desert Chapel will serving a FREE dinner every Saturday from 11 am to 2 pm. This is open to our church family as well as the community.
Clothes Closet - is open from 11 am to 2 pm Saturdays. Adults and childrens clothes and shoes are availble for those in need.
The Leadership Board will meet on the 2nd Wednesday of each month at 4:00 pm.
Message from Our Lay Leader
I haven’t been much of a Lay “Leader” this summer. Nancy and I have been RV’ing since mid-June
-- mostly in the
north- ern Arizona rim country. While we did get back for a few
days in mid-August, about the only “leading”
I did was to attend the Leadership Board August meeting.
I have been using some of my quiet time to reflect on various items/issues/challenges that we as Methodists and Christians are facing. Reflection is great, but discernment is, I believe, critical to those of us who are Christians. Discernment requires a lot more than simply reflecting.
Discernment requires research, reasoning, comparative analysis, going down a few rabbit holes, and, if it is to be faith -based discernment, one must find appropriate support from scripture.
Desert Chapel leadership has several discernment challenges as we approach the return of our winter visitors. Our missions and community involvement remain at the fore- front of discussion. Our facilities will be a focal point as we continue to struggle with deferred maintenance, appearance, expanding our reach, and other challenges.
Expanding our reach received a bit of a blow with the change of ownership of the land where our only signage has resided for thirty-plus years. We were forced to remove the trailer sign at Palo Verde and Superstition, with little notice and little opportunity for similar display opportunities. We are open to suggestions as to how to expand our reach potential disciples in our journeys.
The solitude of the Rim country has permitted, in fact encouraged, faith reflections as we approach the elections of 2024. We have had zero TV and limited internet connectivity for most of the summer. This has been a beautiful blessing during the expected deluge of vitriol from the influencers of our society. Yet, I struggle as a person, a Christian, and as a Lay Leader, to discern my role as a citizen.
While I’ll refrain from expressing my personal political opinions, as a Christian and a citizen, it is important for me to
speak and write as my belief and faith dictates. I have faith that people who cherish the freedom to worship will diligently study and research the issues and candidates.
It is only when we can discern what it is that we truly believe and how we live through faith, that we take actions. It is through action that we become the disciples we profess to be.
David Tom