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Prayers for Week of July 1st 2024



  • Praises lifted - Thelma Harris’s surgery went well!
  • Nancy January's mother came through her mitral valve replacement surgery and is headed home for recovery.
  • Michael Snyder is recovering at home from his surgery
  • We lift praises for our new member, Albert Brown!

Prayer Concerns

  • We pray for Nancy January's 92 year old mother-in-law who will be having a cancerous tumor removed from her breast on July 5th.
  • We pray for Pat, friend of Roger and Wanda, who had a common medical procedure but now has several complications.
  • We pray for Roger Tucker who is having surgery on Wednesday to determine if his cancer has returned.
  • We pray for Susan Camp, who is having open heart surgery this Wednesday in Michigan

Continued Prayers

  • We continue to pray for Katie, the cousin of Jim & Eleanor Edward's daughter's partner, who was hit by a drunk driver in San Diego
  • We continue to pray for Albert Brown's great grandson who was delivered 3 months early / premature. We pray for care, healing, and growth, and strength for the parents as well.
  • We continue to pray for Greg, Peggy's son, who is experiencing a lot of pain and sleeplessness due to recurrence of medical issues.
  • We lift up continued prayers for Laurie Wilburn, daughter of Jim Edwards. She continues to battle stage-four non-smoker lung cancer.